Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Tidal Waves that Shook My Shores

During the end credits of There’s Something About Mary, the makers of the film decided to use The Foundations’ Build Me Up Buttercup as its background song. And it goes something like this…

Why do you build me up
Buttercup baby just to let me down
And mess me around

The ‘baby’ however, in the context of the film, would kindly refer to Cameron Diaz. I also sang the tune today but my ‘baby’ is rather different. It comes in the form of a natural disaster. More specifically, a tsunami.

When I first learned about tsunamis it was during the time I couldn’t even imagine how on earth could an earthquake occur underwater. The idea itself was a far fetched one let alone I would personally experience such an incident and in this case, I maybe safe from the treacherous killer waves but I am on the receiving end of its consequences.

Along the years of my youth I have welcomed the new year in a variety of places. The KLCC park, Dataran Merdeka and even on top of a building overseeing the far distant fireworks on display from the city. This year, I was hoping, for the first time ever, I could usher in 2005 at a beach in PD. Sadly, though, that wish would not be realized.

Along with many other natural disasters, tsunamis have created a considerable amount of damage not just to the physical level of a human body but also his mind. After experiencing the gut wrenching tidal waves, people all over the South East Asia region are scared shitless to go anywhere near the beach. Even though they are on the other side of the peninsular, let’s say Rantau Abang for instance. So imagine the euphoria surrounding an area such as PD. You’ve guessed it, same shait. Suddenly, hydrophobic has become the new rend.

Concerned with our own safety, the PD plan is cancelled. Disappointed? The hell I am, but who am I to argue? The current death toll is about 22000 and I don’t want to be part of that statistic.

Grievance. Brood. Contemplate. Really, those are only my best options.

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