Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Eve

Apart from football, there is another thing to could make me happy. A taste of luxury life. I had the most exquisite dinner I could remember in a long, long time. It is Christmas Eve and I just came back from the KL Hilton. Along with the magnificent contemporary décor, the food was beyond excellent. I was introduced to the concept of semi-buffet where you can choose the main course from a given menu and the buffet consists of the appetizers and desserts. But what do you make of it when the so-called appetizers offer the likes of lamb roast, turkey ham, escargot, oysters, caviar, chicken liver and lobsters? I couldn’t and was left baffled by the wonderful array I had at my disposal. Nevertheless, I had a delightful evening. I even had to cancel my futsal date with the lads. Although, I felt a bit guilty but I think I was better off. This time at least. Oh, and by the way, dining together at Sudu were Sarimah Ibrahim along with her companion. I couldn’t recognize her at first because she had straightened her hair, which by the way made her look lovely. And she was lovely. Extremely beautiful to be more accurate. Even my mum agrees with me. I’d must say, she looked better in real life than those TV shows and glossy magazines. It must be the day of the artists because earlier that day at KLCC I saw the other half of my idol that is Harith Iskandar. I usually ridicule people who wore sunglasses inside of shopping complexes but this time I’ll make an exception.

Overall, life has been rosy since I left Tronoh for good. Valerie is finally back home but not for long. Her days are numbered. She will be sold sooner rather than later.

The only thing left for me is to get a job. But if I do get my job, there goes my fun life as I know it. But if I do not, then I cannot make the next step in this ambitious life of mine. And also means no income, which I honestly think, kind of unpleasant. Quite a dilemma there.

But for now, everything’s peachy

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