Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Dilemma of Saturday Nights

Tomorrow is Saturday. Wait a minute, it already is. Anyway, later later on, Saturday night will hit us and I had a very forgettable one last weekend. Consequently, that has made me, er I don’t know, menggatal, I think, for decent night out with a girl. Problem is, choices are quite limited currently. One’s in London, one has already other plans for a concert and one is still recovering from a shocking news she received earlier to…yesterday. One’s in JB and another in Seremban. One is too busy with work and the other is stuck to her boyfriend like glue. The rest are either also busy with their respective boyfriends (or in the quest of finding one) or just turned dull as of late. What’s left are the ones which I haven’t given a call since late last year. Asking for a night out just out of the blue would almost be the equivalent of a bootie call. Haih, it seems that I have to venture out for a fresh one. Not easy you know. Maybe I could get lucky. Who knows?
I know I’m missing some names here but just couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Hopefully she doesn’t have any wedding plans anytime soon. Or baby showers for that matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weh ko lupe...lagi sorang kat tronoh..keje kat UTP :p