Sunday, June 11, 2006

The World Cup

It is inevitable that we have to talk about it – the World Cup. Ah yes, the time has dawn upon us yet again. It’s the summer when every football fan on the whole planet rejoices. It’s that time again when a man’s truly best friend is the TV (not that is has been otherwise before). The only thing that can budge me from the TV during a live game is if Najua were to stand half-naked next to it, wearing red lingerie, hands on hips and seductively licking her lips. Speaking about Najua, I did saw her yesterday at Alpha Angle, albeit from afar. She was with another chick who I didn’t recognize and a guy who could only be slightly younger than Bobby Robson. I don’t want to theorize about the possible connections or supposed scenario but interesting point was Najua looked uncharacteristically un-hot. She wore a loose blue t-shirt and a pair of faded jeans. Sporting her glasses and a ponytail she could pass off as a geeky student from Sedaya College. But we know better, don’t we? It’s just proof that she is human after all and not a hot 24/7 fashionista that I thought she is. And, may I add, she would look stunning in red lingerie.

Back to the WC, I was at Alpha Angle doing the weekend grocery shopping at Jusco and one of the things I noticed at the supermarket was that the snacks section was significantly depleting. Especially Cheezeles. Clearly people are stocking up for those late night sessions. For me, my big late night session will come Tuesday morning when Italy take on Ghana. A 3am kick-off time. Something tells me I would not enjoy coming to work on Tuesday. Did you read about the guy who quit his job just so can watch every live match? Well, it’s almost insane. He fells he’s marketable enough to land another job straightaway after July 9th. Well, who are we to argue?

Have you noticed how the Internet connection is slow at certain times of the day recently? I have a spot on feeling that the WC has definitely something to do with it. An article in today’s paper mentioned that the amount of information coming and going from Germany is predicted to be around 15 trillion bytes. The amount of data equivalent to 100 million books. 100 million! That’s just nucking futs.

Let’s leave the World Cup at that for the moment, shall we? I’m practically booked every night until early July. Unless, of course, if Jes invites me over for a snog. That reminds me, her tenure in KL is almost over and I have yet to dip in at the 22nd floor Jacuzzi. Oh fuckin’ hell. I’d better call Najua to find out if she’s free for a threesome.


Anonymous said...

aku kt ascott sampe end of this year..insyaAllah..mari la~ :)

The Gerbil said...

ho ho yeah!

Anonymous said...

aku pun akan mnjd regular visitor kat situ ... chihihi. nanti aku dtg bwk DVD and makanan kudap-kudapan ... chihihihi. (janji2 palsu)

Anonymous said...

aku menerima tetamu dgn hati kalau dh slalu nk dtg tu, jgn la pose dtg tgn kosong ye..apau, kalau kau dtg ngan cikki, aku leh sewakn blk aku utk kau..x mahal la..kwn2 kan.. :p

Anonymous said...

aku tak amik kesempatan atas kesenangan org ye jes .. chihihi. tp mekaseh bebanyak la sbb offer bilik kau, manelah tau kot2 for future use kan hehe.

oi ni entry psl world cup la sundel, motif citer bende2 cenggini? marah faizad ... kan faizad? huhuhu.

btw faizad nanti dpt first gaji, bolehla buat party kat ascott kan? la~la~la~

The Gerbil said...

ntahnye.kalau offer bilik kat aku skali takpe gak.

ha nnt aku buat parti.siap import kak siana dr borneo utk buat persembahan.

SasaShasha said... lepak2 ajaklah aku.kesian aku slalu tertinggal :(