Wednesday, July 04, 2007


False alarm, ladies and gents. It’ is spelt with a ‘W’. I know it doesn’t make much of a difference but somehow it feels like it. And the other thing about the forgiveness? Yeah, I think that’s a load a bull too. There’s no way I’ll be getting off the hook that easily. I must be drunk when wrote that.

Anyway, Project Folklore has been completed. Well, at least from my part. All the raw materials has been submitted to the wedding planner. Now it is up to them to edit the snippets into what they see fit. As for my speech, I thought it was pretty good. But it could’ve been better. I only had an hour practice and during recording, the house cuckoo clock suddenly decided to make known of its existence. ‘Cuckoo! Cuckoo!’ it went without warning. During that brief moment, my composure got a little sidetracked. And I can’t do a second take because I was rushing to class. So, what you see is what you get. But overall I think it went well.

Baby Jane is still at the works. The search for the elusive ECU still drags on. Currently, I have to rely on Valerie on a day to day basis. No stereo and handling is rather lopsided at times but she manages. We might go to Mid Valley today for an appointment with Abby. Oh yes, Abby. Her touch can soften the hardest of souls. Got to be ready you see. Wedding day is only matter of days now. One thing I did realize though was that I have so few female friends. Fewer still who are single. I invited some of my closest buddies over the years to this wedding day – namely from SAS and UTP. And it dawned to me, I need more chicks around me. Funny ‘cause at one time I had enough of them going around. Oh wait, I know what happened – they got married! First they were single and fun. Then came the boyfriend and you get blown off more often then came the ‘M’ word and you realize, telling dirty jokes feels rather awkward now.

Somehow I feel I gonna get another ‘be a man!’ comment.

Anyway, cheers for now.


Anonymous said...

yup...u know its coming!

SasaShasha said...

aku single apa...

Watai said...

Let me do it.... Be a man!