Friday, July 14, 2006


It’s a FlyDay! Not that it means much to me anyway. Weekend classes and all. But before we move on to more interesting things like Najua’s dimples let me just announce that I have declared July 9th as my second birthday for the next 3 years. Or July 10th. I haven’t decided yet. But it’ll be between those two dates.

So, tomorrow is the start of the weekends and there will be no football on the telly (live matches, that is). This provides a good and bad situation for me. Good in terms of that I can finally have a proper Saturday night out, preferably with a girl (preferably with Najua). Or just chill at Spicy. Bad in terms of if any of those fail to happen, I have nothing to fall back on. Sure I have a few DVDs laying around but that too would be equally depressing.

You know, I’m browsing through this place called Ciao. It looks very nice and very inviting. I have been wanting to go there since, well, forever. All these time I have been looking for the right occasion and the right partner (not to mention the right personal financial state) to go there. Come to think of it, y’know what, this could actually work. Ciao, Najua and me. I could give her a call, sometime later today, asking what she’s been up to lately. Is she still continuing with her ACCA like me, oh by the way, I was just wondering, there’s this nice restaurant I’m planning on checking out, would you like to come with me? Oh you do? Well, okay then. I pick you up at 7.30? Good? ‘kay, see you then. Ah, date firm and secured. If only things would go so smoothly. Of course, all this enthusiasm would go down the toilet if she has already made other plans. Wait, no, of course she got no plans. She would be absolutely thrilled to join me for dinner at a romantic Italian restaurant (positif2). Too bad Kat lives so far away and can’t go out at night. If not, dah bole (ish hot sial amoi yg lalu depan tadi), er, ehem, kalau tak dah bole buat double header. Ka- cha!
(kedengaran lagu Unfaithful oleh Rihanna di background)


KEF said...


Faizad's love life is hotter than meeeee!

SasaShasha said...

FYI,aku dah pegi dah sini.Of kos lah kan, sbb ofis aku kat sebelah je. Best i tell u.Time lunch lagi best, sbb tibe2 rasa mcm transported to a different place.Kau dah tak igt ada construction SMART kat luar tu.Nanti ajak lah aku ye :P