Tuesday, June 07, 2005

June: The Good, The Bad and Just Plain Naughty

It is that time of the year again when every living football fans around the world look at each other and ask themselves, “Now, what?”

Summer is here and that means football season is over. On a happy note, I am certainly over the moon with Chelsea’s achievement in conquering the English Premiership and although in view of envy, I would’ve liked to see Milan triumph but the European Champions League Final was truly one of the enjoyable ones I’ve seen in years. But, unlike last year when we had Euro 2004 to cherish, this year there’s, well, nothing. At best I could point out are the World Cup qualifiers and the Confed… no that’s not even worth mentioning.

Other than that, there’s noting much to commemorate about in June. If I am a 17 year old living in a place called Orange County then yes, summer would be the time of the year for me. School’s out for months, I could put on my shorts, head to the beach and watch scantily clad young blondes playing beach volleyball. But here in Malaysia, those things do not happen. As far as we Easterners are concerned, who gives a fuck about summer? I mean, school’s out but that just makes it more irritating because my places of tranquility of Starbucks and TGV couldn’t offer me privacy and decency for a few weeks. I have to compete with adolescents. Weather is warm, as always. And no, there are no people with the likes of Carmen Electra or Tara Reid playing beach volleyball along the beaches of Port Dickson.

So, what is there to look forward to in June? Today’s the 5th and I’ve already spent the first week diving in my study notes and textbooks to get through my mid term examination and, yes, I agree with you it was not the best way to start off a brand new month.

Confounded at a certain point, I decided to pursue that long awaited quest of mine, that is to discover Kuala Lumpur. I mean, really discovering it. People have always said to me that there a lot of interesting things going on in this city. One only has to know where to find it. And that has always been my stumbling block. I don’t know where or how to get the best out of living here. All this while I’ve always been to the same ol’, same ol’ dining joint, shopping malls and movie cineplexes. I tell you, I’m getting tired of it. I want to try something new, something different, something exotic. I want, when my friends are talking about something, I would like to say, “I know this great place where you can…” or “You should try this place at etc. because it’s absolutely brilliant,”

It was with this notion that I bought myself the latest copy of a local magazine called KLue. It’s its 80th issue and I just realized what a fabulous magazine it is. It’s been circulating for ages but being an ignorant bastard that I am sometimes, I viewed it as another lame excuse for marketing purposes. I quaintly categorized it in the so-called “lifestyle” magazines. Boy was I wrong.

First of all, it has gone through an upgrade where now it is thicker, the paper quality is better and it’s color end to end. And what I love the most are the things inside. Inside is the kind of information that I have been longing for years now. The detailed guide of how to enjoy life in Kuala Lumpur. It listed all the wonderful dining spots, live musical performances, art exhibitions and festivals, theaters, oh you name it, all in the vicinity of Klang Valley. Being a magazine and published every month, you can bet that it’s very much up to date. And the best part of all? It only cost RM5.

The only thing I don’t like about it is that it leaked a secret that I only came to have known about 2 weeks ago. The location of Rahsia. But I guess a good thing like that should be shared to the public. I just it was done more subtlety.

Come to think of it, June, so far, is ain’t that bad. I mean, I rekindled my relationship with Chili’s since, oh I don’t know, months maybe. And recently, on the 1st of June to be exact, was Ara’s birthday. So I decided to SMS her a birthday wish. I didn’t expect to receive a reply but I did and it read, “Thank you babe :)”. I read that and I thought, wow, I was someone’s babe. I was Ara’s babe. For a brief moment in time there, I was Ara’s babe. I was more than happy to take that as a compliment. It was really flattering. Made me felt good for days.

Maybe it’s wrong of me to diss June so prematurely. There certainly some things to look forward to at the cinemas with Batman Begins and Mr. and Mrs. Smith lining up soon. The French Art Festival is really intriguing and I definitely want to check that out. And, hopefully, to top off the month of June, get out on a few dates through my Uniten connection. I left the dating scene for quite some time already and it should be fun to get a few under the belt. It’s not that I’m looking for a relationship or anything but just a little company over a nice quaint dinner during the weekends. With my new bound knowledge things should get pretty interesting but that’s a whole new blog entirely.

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