Thursday, May 05, 2005

Hope Springs

When I arrived at class, 25 minutes early, yesterday morning I felt rather ironic because was not supposed to start until 10 am and there I was, unintentionally became the first student to be present at 9.35am. Then I realized I brought the wrong set of lecture materials. The one specifically prepared for that day’s lesson was sitting nicely in my room. I couldn’t help but feel rather stupid while I was banging my head repeatedly onto the table. This is going to be one long week.

Earlier that day Chelsea had already lost to Liverpool and being somber is the least of my worries. My favorite team lost, I didn’t have enough sleep and I brought along 2-inch thick paper which is going to be useless for the whole day. Fearing the worst, I was expecting something bad to happen at every turn of events. Fortunately however, things turned out better soon after wards.

I managed to get through the day’s lessons without much of a hassle, I reminded myself that Chelsea ARE the Premiership champions and the best news of all, the package is finally delivered. It was obvious on everyone’s gleaming faces this morning.

I still have lot of revision to do but hey, it’s all in day’s work.

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